Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Not Just About Business

I certainly hope that you who are reading this blog are learning something about natural products and natural ingredients that work just as well as man-made products.  In addition, I hope that you're learning a bit about what goes into creating natural products.  Certainly, it's not easy, but it's quite fun and can be addictive, as I search for different scents and ways to improve upon what I all ready make.

Experimentation is essential for me to keep my line fresh.  For example, I started out in 2006 with lotion bars.  I found a boilerplate recipe on a message board, took that, and experimented with ingredients until I got the right feel that I wanted with a minimum of ingredients.  I am not a person who likes a bit of this, a dab of that, unless it's absolutely necessary for perfection of the recipe.  I truly like to keep things simple!

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What am I working on right now?  Well, it's a bit of a secret (smile) but suffice to say it's a variation on a sugar scrub.  Now, I'm not trying to say that I'm going to come up with something totally orginal - I'm sure someone has done this already - but it's new to me!

I hope that you're enjoying reading the blog.  Keep checking back - I am planning on a revamping of the website. 

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